Monday, January 5, 2009

A beginning...

I have decided that instead of just aimlessly ranting to close friends and family I will post my daily thoughts in hopes to inspire and evoke reaction from others who think like me. Most of my topics will pertain to my absolute disdain of religion (mostly christian fundamentalists).

I believe the time for change is now.

I am not the most educated person, but my ability to separate expression and emotion from facts and truth gives me certain insight to what I seek.

I believe in a peaceful existence. I believe in progress.

I believe that a christian presence holds us back. I am not the only one who thinks this way. I am just one voice of many who think as I do. Once I realized that there were so many like me I decided to no longer be silent. To no longer spare the feelings of the believers. To no longer let them stand in my way - our way.

We atheists, humanists, agnostics, freethinkers are not all troublemakers. We are not all angry, childish or selfish. These are the labels we have been given in the past. Of course, actually, these labels would be better suited for the Christian fundamentalists.

Some of us were/are our country's forefathers, respected authors, philanthropists and great philosophers.

It was Ernest Hemingway who once said, "All thinking men are atheists." and Benjamin Franklin was quoted as saying, "
I have found Christian dogma unintelligible. Early in life, I absenteed myself from Christian assemblies." and " Lighthouses are more helpful than churches."

If these men are so respected then why are their thoughts and views, like so many others before and after them, not respected in the same way as their actions, social status or contributions to society.

An answer: It has always been made clear in our time that good can only come from a "god fearin' folk". That believing otherwise is absurd and unholy.

It's late and I have so much more to write, but it is time I retire for the evening. My apologies for leaving in the middle of a thought, but there will be plenty more to follow.

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